Business Diplomas

Explore our range of diplomas covering various aspects of the business world

Certifying Body

The International University of Applied Sciences (IU).

Diploma Requirements

Completing the program with all its phases and successfully passing the certification exams.


From 4 to 8 months (300-600 hours).


Diploma & 20 ECTS credits Equivalent.

A wide selection of programmes

Discover Our Business Diplomas In Details


AI Business Consultant

Trains experts to advise businesses on implementing Artificial Intelligence solutions for growth and efficiency. Courses included:

Business Developer

Prepares professionals to identify and capitalize on growth opportunities within established companies. Courses included:


Corporate Start-Up Developer

Equips individuals with the skills to create and nurture innovative ventures within established corporations. Courses included:

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Students Experience at The IU


Exams and mini-projects are being assessed and reviewed by the instructor to practice for course knowledge and prepare for the final project.

One-to-one meetings

Meetings between the student and our instructors to assess course assimilation and provide feedback.


The student attends workshops during which the instructor explains a concept or solves a problem interactively with students to reinforce their understanding.

Final Project (Project Phase)

The student applies everything learned during the program and builds a real final product. They are assisted by the instructor throughout this phase.